ON-LINE Animal Chiropractic Review (5CEs) AVCA/IVCA approved


This Class consists of 7 Chapters. Review Class. Canine Adjusting, Animal Chiropractic History, Feline Adjusting, Equine Adjusting, Chiropractic Concepts, The Soliton Wave and a Business Chapter.


Once you pay for the class you will receive a link within 12 hours to take the actual class online. Please contact us at contact@animalchiropracticce.com if you have any issues

Prerequisite: Certified Animal Chiropractor (DCs and DVMs)

This (Basic) Animal Chiropractic Review Class consists of 7 Chapters (Courses): Canine Adjusting, Animal Chiropractic History, Feline Adjusting, Equine Adjusting, Chiropractic Concepts, The Soliton Wave and a Business Chapter.

In order to pass the class you need to watch all the segments in each chapter, complete the self timed studies and take a quiz at the end of the first 6 chapters. Your progress will be monitored by the program, so we don’t recommend fast forwarding or skipping any part as you will not receive full credit. We hope this class will inspire you and take your animal chiropractic skills to the next level!

Enjoy, Dr. Petra Sullwold & Dr. Jay Komarek

Detailed Description per chapter:

Chapter 1 – Canine Adjusting
In this first chapter we observe Dr. Jay Komarek, DC adjusting several canines. Dr. Jay presents a very specific flow and protocol that enables students to use a thorough and comprehensive approach to canine adjustments. To begin, Dr. Jay reviews motion palpation techniques, differences between biomechanical faults and a subluxation, how to administer a proper force application/input. In order to present the protocol in a clear and methodical way the adjustment is broken down into segments (hind limbs/pelvis/thoracic/ribs/front limbs/neck). With each segment Dr. Jay discusses possible reasons for subluxations and misalignments.

Chapter 2 – Animal Chiropractic History
In this segment Dr. Petra Sullwold, DC explores the history of animal chiropractic. Dr. Petra takes the student from DD Palmer’s “The Chiropractic” Broadsheet (which has the first mentioning of animal chiropractic) through BJ Palmer’s time, Agnes Mae Palmer’s experience with animals, all the way to Sharon Willoughby and her tremendous achievements in animal chiropractic.

Chapter 3 – Feline Adjusting
In this chapter Dr. Jay and Dr. Petra adjust several felines. This feline adjusting video is set up in a similar manner to the canine adjusting video. Students witness how to deliver a thorough and comprehensive adjustment to a feline. Motion palpation techniques are reviewed as well as how to administer the correct adjustment.

Chapter 4 – Equine Adjusting
Before going through an actual equine adjustment Dr. Jay discusses chiropractic concepts intended to deepen the students understanding of what actually happens when an adjustment is delivered. Tone is explored as it relates to tension in the equine body.

After the initial discussion, Dr. Jay takes the student through a very specific flow and protocol when it comes to adjusting equines.

Chapter 5 – Chiropractic Concepts
In this chapter Dr. Jay explores chiropractic philosophy and concepts. His first discussion relates to tone, vibration and frequency are discussed in order for the student to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the factors inherent in a chiropractic adjustment. This chapter provides the students with concepts to share with their patients to explain chiropractic on a deeper level.

Chapter 6 – Soliton Wave
Dr. Jay takes the students into the world of the soliton wave and how it relates to chiropractic.

Chapter 7
In this chapter Dr. Petra Sullwold not only shares her 15 years of experience on how to grow a successful animal chiropractic practice, but she also pulls from her previous life as an advertising executive. Dr. Petra presents the student with traditional and creative ways to advertise successfully. She explores online, print and personal/public communication as tools to present animal chiropractic to the world. She also encourages student to practice visualization and goal setting techniques. She shares tips of the trade and ways to interact with potential patients to achieve patient retention and new patient growth.







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